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Showing posts from June, 2018

How to get 4 Thousand Hours View Time and 10K Subscribers in 15 Days!

Hey guys , hows it going. Recently i have been planning to buy a domain afterall and will be active within next month , because of some domain provider issue and i already have an Domain but its not trustworthy and i need a safe and better domain. Anyways , lets get to the topic and how do you get 4K Hours Viewtime and 10K Subs within 15Days! Well its pretty simple and neat , and it works for sure if used in a correct way! But , sometimes its better to be safe and , guys , dont go mad about getting fame and all that stuff.Dont make Clickbait and Fun memes on Sensitive topic whether you are growing or stable on YT! So the thing is :- 1.)Create a Attractive Thumbnail and make sure its not a extreme clickbait or else people wont subscribe! Also make sure that Sometimes , use an image as a thumbnail which is a part of content in the video , it helps sometimes getting a extra sub. 2.)Dont violate the Community Guidelines and dont use Copyrighted Stuff in your videos.I remember i had

Mystery Solved : TheSunVanished Creepy Twitter Account Exposed.Real or Fake

Hey guys , recently many people have been discovering an Twitter Account , which goes by the username of" @TheSunVanished " and that account claims or the person running the account claims that the Place where he is , has no Sun and he is living in Pure Dark with no supplies. Many People Questioned about where has the person been or Why did the person behind the account go at such a place at first? So , the person running that account also says that he has been making documentaries and doing researches for lot of things and , the first Video he uploaded on his Twitter account was from CNN News which had a headline of "The Sun has Vanished" . As of now we dont know the name of the person behind @thesunvanished , but the only person he follows on Twitter , goes by the Name of " Tucker " , and the person running thesunvanished account says that maybe Tucker is his friend! Many people on his twitter replies were saying that "Why don't yo

Breaking : Galaxy S8 Caught on Fire in Detroit

Hey guys , hows it going Samsung has been dealing with lot of things in their recent records for their devices to catch fire. Not only mobile devices , but also other electrical appliances , like TVs , washing machines , Air Conditioners , etc. So , the story comes up like , a woman is Detroit in her Car had one Galaxy S4 and an Galaxy S8 on the cupholder of the car , and suddenly one of the devices caught fire! Imagine if the device would be on someone's hand or pants , if it explodes in human contact , how dangerous would it be. Samsung really commits shit and then takes their word back.And as a company since they have launched things in India , i have lost full faith in Samsung except for their electrical appliances. They really need to look for some room improvements on their devices! That's it guys , hope you liked it , stay safe , and have a nice day!

Patanjali 4G Scam , Launches Fake App to compete Whatsapp

Hey guys , recently a guy on Twitter made an announcement saying that the Patanjali's messenger app is an Copy Paste of another app. Here are the images provided hy the Twitter User @fs0c131y These images are directly taken from the Twitter user directly and the user claims to be Anonymous and not a resident of India! So huge thanks to @fs0c131y ! The Patanjali's Kimbo app is direct copy paste of the Bolo Messenger , even tho some people might say that Patanjali has purchased the App and its rights from the Bolo Messenger's owner but yet still there's no statements as of now from anybody from the two parties! Now the thing is , should you try out the Kimbho Messenger :- 1.)Try if you dont care about your privacy 2.)Try if you wanna see how the app looks! 3./Dont try just for the sake of Patanjali ! No matter how much we could debate , but Patanjali afterall is a corporation , it's a company! They need money to do all this stuff! So if you